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US trade chief vows to strengthen Sino-US trade

2009-06-03 13:49 BJT


US Trade Representative Ron Kirk says that China and the US should further strengthen economic and trade cooperation. He also said both countries should work more closely to address the global economic downturn in trade and investment through dialogue.

Kirk noted that China is one of the US' most important trading partners in a speech to the U.S.-China Business Council. He added that although the two countries are facing the challenge of economic crisis, a sound Sino-US economic and trade relationship will bring enormous development opportunities for the two countries.

Kirk pointed out that improving the relationship with China will benefit both the United States and China. The US has expressed hope that trade friction would not disturb the stable development of the Sino-US economic and trade relationship. The US is willing to expand dialogue and cooperation with China by making use of the Sino-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.

The first-round of the Sino-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue this year will be held in Washington in the last week of July. Kirk also noted that both sides should push the Duha Round Trade negotiation and try for a successful result from the talks.

Editor: Xiong Qu | Source: