
04-03-2009 11:11

Special Report:   G20 Summit in London

World leaders are hailing the results of the G20 summit. They regard the agreements as historic and a turning point for global economic recovery. Here's a brief look at their comments.

Barack Obama, US President
Barack Obama, US President

Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister, says, "this is the day that the world came together to fight back against the global recession, not with words but with a plan for global recovery and for reform and with a clear timetable for its delivery. And our message today is clear and certain. We believe that in this new global age, our prosperity is indivisible. We believe that global problems require global solutions. We believe that growth to be sustained must be shared and that trade must once again become an engine of growth."

Barack Obama, US President, says, "earlier today, we finished a very productive summit that will be, I believe, a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery. By any measure, the London summit was historic. It was historic because of the size and the scope of the challenges that we face and because of the timeliness and magnitude of our response."

Dimitry Medvedev, Russian President, says, "twenty-25 years ago, it was impossible to imagine that such different states with such different economies, mentalities, historical traditions would sit at a table and could come to an agreement during such a difficult situation that exists currently."

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, says, "our consultations have come to an end and I can say that in this important conference, we have a good, I would say historic compromise. The world is not reacting as it reacted in the 30s when there was no international conference. And this time it is reacting in such a way that leading industrialized countries have met here and have developed on the basis of the Washington action plan, a document of action in various directions."