
04-02-2009 10:21

Special Report:   G20 Summit in London

What are the stances of the US, Europe and some developing countries on G20 summit?

The focus of US President Barack Obama at the G-20 summit is to promote his administration's massive stimulus spending. But he also says leaders should send a strong message of unity on confronting the global financial crisis.

What are the stances of the US, Europe and some developing countries on G20 summit? 
What are the stances of the US, Europe and some developing 
countries on G20 summit?

Barack Obama, US President, says, "leaders of the G20 major global economies should send "a strong message of unity" on confronting the world financial crisis."

But Europe has been trying to shift the spotlight onto tighter financial regulation. The disparity between the two sides is seen as a potential obstacle for reaching concrete agreements during the summit. France says it will walk away from the summit without signing the communique if it does not get what it wants.

Nicolas Sarkozy, French President, says, "the point is that we all take decisions together and that we find a way to get out of this crisis by restoring confidence, it's the only thing that matters. Listen, I said that I wanted results, results are in everyone's interest."

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is calling for international cooperation.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says, "and what all these challenges have in common is that none of them can be addressed by one country or continent acting alone, none of them can be met and mastered without the world coming together and none of them can be solved without agreed global rules informed by shared global values."

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says the G-20 summit should pay attention to the needs of developing nations during the financial crisis.

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet says the current global financial climate should not be used as an excuse to balk on tackling poverty and climate change.

Michelle Bachelet, Chilean President, says, "the crisis cannot be combated by pushing the people and the workers aside. The crisis should be fought by putting the people first."

Although they speak with different voices, leaders of the world's major economies hope to make positive achievements at the summit to bring about a global economic recovery.

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Editor:Qin Yongjing