
06-15-2008 11:41

Special Report:   4th China-U.S. SED

The fourth Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue is all set to open next week in Annapolis, Maryland.

At the beginning of a pre-SED press conference at the Treasury Department on Friday Morning, US special envoy for China and the Strategic Economic Dialogue, Alan Holmer, once again expressed the support of the US government to China in the country's post-earthquake reconstruction.

Then the envoy offered words of welcome to the Chinese delegation led by Vice Premier Wang Qishan, which will arrive in the US on Monday.

During the two-day meeting, a series of sessions will focus on various topics. The discussions will highlight five specific areas: financial and macro economic management, developing and protecting human capital, the benefits of trade and open markets, enhancing investment, and advancing joint opportunities for cooperation in energy and environment.

As the talks get underway on Tuesday, one of the achievements of the previous dialogues, a first Chinese tourist group, arrives in Washington DC on Tuesday.

Holmer highly praised the mechanism of the SED for the results the talks have achieved.

Alan Holmer, Special Envoy for China & SED, said, "First, SED has made progress in areas more broadly that would not have occurred without SED. Second, the SED has helped very much in terms of keeping our bilateral economic relationship on an even keel. Third, we have established new habits of cooperation between Chinese and US government officials."

Holmer also emphasized that negotiation and discussion is the key to success.

Alan Holmer said, "It' s tremendous important that put yourself in other's shoes, to try to see the world the way he or she does. That's what the SED really helps tp facilitate is the opportunity for us the have much better understanding of the perspectives -- for Americans we have better understanding of the Chinese perspectives, and for the Chinese officials to have a better understanding of American. That's the way you achieve agreements that will be long term withstand the rest of time."


Editor:Yang Jie