
03-07-2008 10:21


Li Daokui, CPPCC Member & Professor from Tsinghua University
Li Daokui, CPPCC Member & Professor from Tsinghua University

Mind-blowing rises in China's GDP come as no surprise. We've seen a more than 60 percent spike over the last 5 years. But Premier Wen is making a subtle point. There's no change in this year's GDP target from 2007, still fixed at around 8 percent. But what is of note is the emphasis on quality rather than speed of economic development on changes in patterns of development on reform that needs to run deeper.

These are ambitious aims. If you could give us a concrete example of economic development that is one of quality rather than just simple expansion. In what way could this involve a paradigm change? A change in patterns, rather than mere levels? What sort of economic reforms do you think could prove most effective?