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  • 29 Qiang Qiang,CHINA07-07-06
    I love China ,love HK! Best wishes! We believe that Hong Kong will has a wonderful future.
  • 28 china, Tian Pei07-07-04
    I wish HK is getting better and better in the future.
  • 27 VON, Philippines07-07-04
    I love the city of Hong Kong! The people are very friendly, accomodating, hard-working and productive! There are always something to discover, foods to taste, places to see, stuffs to buy, things to try! Hong Kong is truly a great place to enjoy! Congratulations and best wishes on your 10th Anniversary of return to the motherland! May the whole Hong Kong prosper and improve even more! Tourism in Hong Kong is the best. LIVE IT, LOVE IT!
  • 26 Akoua Goddy ,CAMEROON07-07-03
    I clung to my 4-battery radio ten years ago as I tuned to the BBC to witness the handover of Hong Kong to China.I-feel pleased to see Hong KONG growing richer and richer under the two sytems,one country. Hong kong isnot only the pearl of china but of the entire world.May it prosper forever and ever.
  • 25 zixi china07-07-03
    I LOVE HONGKONG. hope the future of hongkong would be more prosperous, and I hope myself could visit HONGKONG soon.
  • 24 Zhang Hongtao. China07-07-02
    Hong Kong belongs to China . The coorperation between Hong Kong and its mainland will make motherland greater and stronger . Every Chinese has every confidence in it . I love Hong Kong .I love China .
  • 23 zhang xi li ,China 07-07-02
    I love HK, and I love china .
  • 22 zhang xi li ,China 07-07-02
    I am zhang xi li from Shanghai ,China .I love HK, China !!!
  • 21 wulin china07-07-02
    I wish i have a chance to visit the most thriving city in china !
  • 20 Zhang Guangyu,China07-07-01
    Iam a 16-year boy in Tianjin. During the wonderful time,i wanna say " I love China I love HongKong!" Best wishes to HK!
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