11 Sheila09-03-28
I agree, it's a better way to fight against corruption, but this problem is very popular, and it is getting worse now, also hard to clear it up.......you can see it everywhere, so many people take the bribe, even a leader in charge of a small team, now most people get tired of bribing, but they still do the same thing everyday.... if someone doen't take a bribe, they would feel upset. let me give you a example, many parents give money to teachers, it's not cash, just put money to a bank account, most of teachers take a bribe without any nagative feeling, also they think it's natural... don't feel embarrassed, and in the opposite, if the teacher don't take it, those parents would feel upset, worry too much, but they really hate to do that in heart. See!how strange is it? but it's ture, this is a products of this advaced society.