
04-25-2008 18:45

Norbulingka, meaning Jewel Park, was Dalai Lama's summer palace since the Seventh.

Norbulingka, meaning Jewel Park, was Dalai Lama's summer palace since the Seventh.
Norbulingka, meaning Jewel Park, was Dalai Lama's 
summer palace since the Seventh.

Its light-hearted air makes it less demanding than most sights in Lhasa The Norbulinka is well worth a visit at festival times and public holidays. On Shoton Festival, the park is crowded with picnickers, and traditional Tibetan opera performances are also held there.

Khamsum Zilnon is a very eye-catching building behind the main gate. It was originally a Han style pavilion and later changed into a theater where the Dalai Lamas watched Tibetan opera. Tsokyil Potrang is a group of buildings on water. Dalai Lamas used to read in a hall of the palace.