How do you rate the banking services in China? Read related story >>
Perfect Good Average Below average Terrible
Would the rise of Shanghai affect the status of Hong Kong as a global financial center? Read related story >>
Yes, definitely. The Mainland wil be less dependent on Hong Kong in terms of financial business. Yes, to some extent. But there are still many positive factors for Hong Kong. No. Hong Kong‘s position is irreplaceable. No. China will be certainly able to support two global financial centers. Hard to say.
Do you support the restrictions on college students getting credit cards? Read related story >>
Yes. No. I have no idea.
Will you buy the stocks of foreign enterprises if they are made available at the Chinese stock exchange?
Yes. No Not sure.
1028. Do you see a bright future for ChiNext, China’s NASDAQ-like Growth Enterprise Board (GEB)? Read related story >>
Yes. No. Too soon to tell. (Wanna say sth?)