Bankruptcy of small businesses due to China’s shrinking export sector
Enterprises are downsizing their staff in face of the current global economic meltdown
Large increase in the number of new university graduates
Job hunters have set unrealistic career goals for themselves
There are just not enough job opportunities
Other (Any comment?)
Admit more of them for post-graduate study
Encourage them to start their own businesses
Encourage them to work in under-developed regions and rural areas
Reduce the number of new university students
Reform the higher education system
Provide them with practical free training courses
Give policy and finance support to the enterprises that employ a certain number of new gradates
5 days 40 hours
5 days 35 hours, less pay
4 days 40 hours, same pay
4 days 32 hours, less pay
60 for men and 55 for women
65 for men and 55 for women
50 for men and 45 for women
People should be able to decide on their own when to retire