Source: NASA

09-19-2008 14:49

Two (2): A casual work outfit during the day and a suit for formal events at night.


Astronauts usually have more than one work outfit. They may wear a short sleeve shirt and shorts during one day. The next day they might wear a long sleeve shirt and trousers for an interview with journalists on Earth.

Three (3): A launch suit, a work outfit and space suit.


These are basic outfits they are required to wear during specific events. Though all astronauts have to wear a launch suit and a work outfit, not every astronaut will wear a space suit. Especially, during a mission with no planned space walks.

Four (4): a Spring ensemble, a Summer swimsuit, a Fall uniform and a Winter coat.

I don't think so!

There are no seasons in space, just the extreme temperatures of night and day. Besides, space shuttle missions only last a few days to a couple of weeks -- too short for an entire season. On the other hand, space station astronauts stay in orbit for a few months.

Depends on the length of the mission.


Since there is no washer or dryer in the space shuttle, astronauts bring a change of underwear for each day they are in space. They also have a few extra shirts, shorts and trousers. The dirty clothes are placed in a bag inside the shuttle's airlock. Space station astronauts send their dirty clothes back to Earth in the space shuttle or Russian Progress cargo capsules. The shuttle and the Progress can also bring them clean clothes.


Editor:Liu Fang