
09-20-2007 14:44

(1). The Party organizations of various electoral units propose and nominate delegate candidates for pre-selection. Once electoral units receive information concerning quotas, ratios and the constitution of delegates, they can begin to recommend potential delegate candidates, making selections from within their constituencies. The higher-level establishment will then provide feedback on the pre-selected candidates to the various electoral units for further deliberation. A list of tentative candidates will be determined by the standing committee of the Party committee according to the judgment of the majority of Party organizations or the majority of Party members.

(2). This list of tentative candidates will then be submitted for a qualification examination. A formal examination of selected delegate credentials will be conducted. During the process, opinions of the Party organization, the discipline Inspection department, and supervision department of the unit that a candidate belongs to should be taken into consideration.

(3). The standing committee of the Party committee, according to the quota, requirements, and constitution of delegates, as well as the results of qualification examination, will put forward a provisional list of delegate candidate names.

(4). A plenary session of the Party committee will be held to short-list the delegate nominees and submit the short list to the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee for review.

(5). A Party congress or a meeting of Party representatives will be convened to conduct the election. Generally, the number of delegate candidates in attendance should be 10 percent greater than the delegate quota. A process of competitive elections may be undertaken to produce a list of candidate names before a formal election is conducted to authenticate individual candidates. In other cases pre-selection may not be necessary. Instead the multi-candidate election may be held as the formal election process and the results will be submitted directly to the Central Committee for review.


Editor:Zhang Ning