Chinese peacekeeping in action

Keeping peace
Among UN peacekeepers known as the "Blue Berets" in the world´s most troubled areas are thousands of Chinese servicemen. They have committed themselves to jobs of negotiation, supervision, rescue operation and re building. They risk their own safety and sometimes their very lives, and have won the respect of the world for their work and dedication.
[Principles] [Five capabilities] [White Paper]
Long Way as UN Peacekeeper
By the end of March 2007, China has sent more than 5,000 peacekeepers to peace-keeping operations by the United Nations. Chinese police peacekeepers are working under the UN flag in several locations including Bosnia, Kosovo, Liberia, East Timor, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Sudan and Haiti. Full story>>
Action in Lebanon

Action in Haiti

Action in Liberia