
06-27-2006 17:12

The Tibetan tourism bureau has predicted that the Qinghai-Tibet railway will transport an additional 4,000 tourists to Tibet each day after it opens on July 1.

According to Liao Lisheng, head of the Tibetan tourism bureau, the number of tourists in Tibet will be increased to 5,000 to 6,000 every day after the railway opens to passengers.

Liao has calculated that at least 20,000 beds will be needed at hotels in Lhasa to meet the demand. There are 237 hotels in Lhasa, which have a total of 18,496 beds in 9,243 rooms. Six new hotels will open in Lhasa before the railway opens to provide enough accommodation, according to Liao.

Tourism is the main industry in Tibet. Official statistics show that in the first quarter this year, the number of tourists to Tibet increased 1.8 percent from the same period in 2005, with 3,274 overseas tourists providing an income of 1.81 million U.S. dollars. Enditem


Editor:Wang Ping