
01-08-2009 14:03

"3G" stands for the "third generation" of mobile phones.

Basically, a 3G device will provide a huge range of new functionality to your mobile.

A 3G device will allow video calling, internet surfing, MP3 music downloads, and much more.

3G is highly ambitious and it raises a number of major technical challenges. The rate of data which a 3G device will be able to receive and transmit will be far higher than existing mobile phones.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) defines a 3G device solely in terms of its transmission speed (if your phone can transmit at 144Kbps, it's a 3G phone).

A very attractive feature of 3G is that you will be able to use your device anywhere in the world. This "global roaming" ability will require a major effort on the development of unified, worldwide standards.


Editor:Xiong Qu