
11-18-2008 22:21




College: Southwest Jiaotong University

Major: Architecture

Hobbies: Music, art, photography, travel

Hidden Talents: Umm...apart from drawing & piano...being a caring & understanding person?

Favourite Food: It depends on my mood. Right now I want lasagne!

The Place You Would Most Like To Visit:
If I HAVE to choose one, then it'll be Vienna-home of music masters!

The Most Unusual Way You've Ever Studied English:
Well, my friends said I dreamtalk in English, it that unusual enough?

Your Most Embarrassing Expereience:
I'd rather not talk about it...umm...going on stage in a dance in high school and forgetting 80% of the movements.

The Person Who's Inspired You The Most:
The guy who wrote "The Diving Bell & the Butterfly" I think he's great.

If I Could Make My Dreams Come True...
I would continue with more dreams! That's the important of living, isn't it? To fight for your dreams endlessly.