Chinese Concertos: Butterfly Lovers & Yellow River

2010-02-09 11:22 BJT

Venue: Beijing Concert Hall
Time: 2010/2/15
Price: 100 180 280 380 580 880 1080

Chinese Concertos: Butterfly Lovers & Yellow River 
Chinese Concertos: Butterfly Lovers
& Yellow River

Chinese music is imbued with the history and charm of centuries of legend and mystery, and marked with the deep imprint of Chinese philosophy, which was characterized by concerto "Butterfly Lovers" and "Yellow River".

Chinese musicians have also continued to combine western music with traditional Chinese music. Chinese music is now performed on western instruments or accompanied by a mixed Chinese and Western orchestra. The most two successful works are the concerto "The Butterfly Lovers" and "Yellow River".

The production of ballet Yellow River is a new exploring in creating ballet works of Chinese characteristics by the National Ballet of China. The ballet, using the most excellent piano concerto "Yellow River" in modern China as the background music, absorbs a number of Chinese folk dance art and traditional martial arts, while at the same time borrows some technical of modern dance. What's more, it's a kind of work featuring abstract technical which rarely appears in Chinese ballet productions.

The story of the Butterfly Lovers has been a household folk tale in China and has been adapted into varieties of art performances such as Kun opera, dance drama, etc. And the violin concerto "Butterfly Lovers" has long been a classic and has enjoyed an enviable role in Chinese music arena.

Editor: Yang Jie | Source: