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Mexico, other countries stay vigilant on possible flu rebound

Source: Xinhua | 05-08-2009 15:44

Special Report:   World tackles A/H1N1 flu

BEIJING, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Mexico has pledged to reinforce monitoring of the A/H1N1 flu epidemic in a bid to stave off another possible wave of outbreaks, as the country is gradually returning to normal.

President Felipe Calderon said Thursday that joint efforts of doctors, nurses and workers of the health sector were fundamental factors for containing the spread of the virus.

According to authorities, Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak, has already reported 1,204 confirmed cases, including 44 deaths.

Meanwhile, the country's high schools and universities opened for the first time in the past two weeks, as health officials say the epidemic is waning.

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday warned that vigilance is needed to prevent a rebound in the epidemic.

WHO flu chief Keiji Fukuda said up to 2 billion people could be infected by H1N1 flu if the current outbreak turns into a pandemic lasting two years.

In the United States, the number of confirmed H1N1 cases has jumped to 896 in 41 U.S. states, with two deaths, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported Thursday. The number of confirmed cases on Wednesday was 642 in 41 states.