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U.N. chief asks Quartet to play larger role in Israeli-Palestinian peace process

Source: Xinhua | 05-06-2009 17:04

NICOSIA, May 6 (Xinhua) -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday called for a reinforced role for the Quartet in reviving the process toward Israeli-Palestinian peace on a two-state basis.

In a message sent to an international meeting in support of Israeli-Palestinian peace held in Nicosia, the U.N. chief emphasized that the Quartet, which includes the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the U.N., remains firmly committed to the goal of a two-state solution.

"I strongly support a reinforced role for the Quartet," Ban said in the message read out by his special representative Taye-Brook Zerihoun in Cyprus.

"I highly commend President Obama's stated commitment to strengthening and deepening partnerships between the United States, the parties and international partners to help achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians and between Israel and the Arab states," Ban said.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei