Headline News


Government issues health reform plan


Source: | 04-07-2009 09:00

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The central government has issued a blueprint for health care over the next decade. It marks the beginning of much anticipated reforms to fix the ailing medical system and to provide fair and affordable health services for everyone.

The central government has issued a blueprint for health care over the next decade.
The central government has issued a 
blueprint for health care over the 
next decade.


China's health care blueprint

Basic health-care system:

public hygiene service

medical care service

health care insurance

and medicine supply

Public hygiene service system:

basic disease prevention

health education

mother and infant health care

mental health

first aid services

Medical care service system:

public hospitals be dominant providers of the services

more room for grassroots-level hospitals and clinics

Medical insurance system:

diversified services to cover unemployed

more medical subsidies

Medicine supply system:

stricter control of drug distribution and use

more supervision of prices