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Party leaders join group discussions with NPC deputies


Source: | 03-05-2009 19:01

Special Report:   2009 NPC & CPPCC Sessions

Party leaders joined discussions with NPC deputies from around the country on Thursday. They addressed a wide range of topics: from agriculture to people's livelihoods, from economic reform to cultural development.

Party leaders joined discussions with NPC deputies from around the country on Thursday.
Party leaders joined discussions with NPC deputies from 
around the country on Thursday.

While holding discussions with the Jiangsu delegation, President Hu Jintao says the economy must be placed at the top of the agenda. He called on the deputies to overcome difficulties caused by the current world economic meltdown. He also called for the further implementation of the central government's macro economic control policy and to further boost domestic demand.

Hu Jintao says measures should be carried out to improve social security system, educational and medical treatment, and for tighter supervision of food and medicine safety, and efforts to ensure social harmony and stability.

NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo has attended a discussion with group members from east China's Anhui province. Wu Bangguo said the province needs to fully implement a scientific outlook on development... and maintain a fast and stable economy as its top priority. This in order to ensure and improve people's livelihood and to promote a harmonious economic society and sustainable development.