Headline News


Iran urges US for change of strategy


Source: | 02-09-2009 13:37

Iran has urged the United States to change its strategy to facilitate direct talks between the two nations.

Iran's Parliament Speaker stressed on Sunday the change should not be just in tone and tactics, but in the outlook and practice of the new US administration.

Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani, formerly Tehran's envoy in nuclear talks, arrives for the start of the 45th Munich Security Conference at the Bayerischer Hof hotel, southern Germany. Larijani welcomed Friday President Barack Obama's decision to despatch his new Middle East envoy George Mitchell, as he lashed out at US support for Israel.(AFP/DDP/Timm Schamberger)
Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani, formerly 
Tehran's envoy in nuclear talks, arrives for the start 
of the 45th Munich Security Conference at the Bayerischer
Hof hotel, southern Germany. Larijani welcomed Friday 
President Barack Obama's decision to despatch his new 
Middle East envoy George Mitchell, as he lashed out at
US support for Israel.(AFP/DDP/Timm Schamberger)

He warns the US must drop its carrot and stick policy toward Iran if it wants to pave the way for a dialogue.

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Editor:Zhang Yun