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Severe drought continues in northern China


Source: | 02-04-2009 09:02

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Severe drought conditions will continue in northern China, with no rain forecast for the next ten days. Agriculture authorities have called for a prolonged fight against the three-month dry spell.

Severe drought conditions will continue in northern China, with no rain forecast for the next ten days.
Severe drought conditions will continue in northern China, 
with no rain forecast for the next ten days.

There has been no rain since November in northern China, and now millions of hectares of crops are threatened.

Agriculture authorities say the dryness will last for at least another ten days. 60 percent of wheat crops in Henan Province and 70 percent in Anhui Province are in danger of failing.

Ye Zhengqin from MInistry of Agriculture, said, "From the south to the north, wheat is about to experience the sprouting period. It's a very important time for the next year's production. "