Headline News


Crowds watch Obama swearing-in


Source: | 01-21-2009 09:59

Special Report:   Inauguration of Barack Obama

In many big US cities, crowds have gathered to watch Barack Obama take the oath of office and celebrate in the streets. Pre-inauguration polls showed most Americans believe Obama will do a good job.

A crowd of spectators gathers to watch the inauguration ceremony of U.S. President Barack Obama at a gathering in Los Angeles January 20, 2009.REUTERS/Phil McCarten
A crowd of spectators gathers to watch the inauguration
ceremony of U.S. President Barack Obama at a gathering
in Los Angeles January 20, 2009.REUTERS/Phil McCarten

People gathered in the streets and at inauguration watch parties to watch the historic moment.

In New York, Times Square was transformed into an Obama show.

Carol Brantley, New York Resident, said, "Oh it was so charged, so exciting, and people were happy. We were all like one -- all nations, all races -- we were just one, and that's what it's all about. It was just wonderful. I loved it."

On the West Coast, hundreds attended a public viewing event in downtown Los Angeles.

A diverse crowd kept their eyes glued to several large television monitors tuned to CNN.