Headline News


UN compound in Gaza hit by Israel


Source: | 01-16-2009 14:21

Special Report:   Israel airstrikes in Gaza

The UN headquarters in the Gaza Strip was hit by Israeli shells on Thursday, setting fire to the compound and injuring at least three people.

The move angered Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert making an apology.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told visiting UN chief Ban Ki-moon that Israeli troops had shelled a UN compound in Gaza in response to fire coming from the building.(AFP/Mahmud Hams)
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told visiting UN 
chief Ban Ki-moon that Israeli troops had shelled a UN 
compound in Gaza in response to fire coming from the 
building.(AFP/Mahmud Hams)

The compound has been serving as a shelter for hundreds of people fleeing Israel's devastating offensive. The area includes the headquarters of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

On Thursday, a large fire was seen on the horizon along Gaza's northern border with Israel. And there was also a massive plume of smoke over a compound in Gaza city after a building was hit.

UN chief Ban Ki-moon was in the area on a mission to end Israel's devastating offensive against the territory. He expressed outrage over the incident.

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, said, "I conveyed my strong protest and outrage to the defense minister and the foreign minister and demanded a full explanation. I had the telephone talk with defense minister before I began my meeting with the foreign minister. Defense Minister Barak said to me it was a grave mistake and he took it very seriously. "

Olmert told Ban that it was a sad incident for which he was very sorry. But he stressed in their meeting that the Israeli military had come under attack first from the UN compound.

Ehud Olmert, Israel prime minister, said, "It is absolutely true that we were attacked from that place, but the consequences were very sad and I apologize for that. I don't think it should have happened and I'm very sorry, although as I said the Israeli forces were attacked and as it happened, the response was very harsh and I'm very sorry for the entire event. We certainly, absolutely didn't want it to happen even though as you know it happened during the humanitarian corridor, they were shooting at us while the ... took place."