Headline News


Israeli troops surround Gaza city


Source: | 01-05-2009 09:16

Special Report:   Israel airstrikes in Gaza

After launching a ground offensive late on Saturday, Israeli troops are now deep into the Gaza Strip. They've now surrounded Gaza City.

But Hamas militants remain defiant, still firing rockets into Israel and also threatening a fresh wave of suicide attacks.

Israeli soldiers drive armored cars in Gaza strip, Jan. 4, 2009. Israeli on Sunday army clamed 30 injureds since the ground operation on Jan. 3, 2009. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu)
Israeli soldiers drive armored cars in Gaza strip, Jan.
4, 2009. Israeli on Sunday army clamed 30 injureds since
the ground operation on Jan. 3, 2009. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu)

Initially via air, then from the sea, and now on land. Israel is pressing on with its ground offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

On Sunday, its troops and tanks cut swaths through the coastal territory, dividing it into two.

Gaza officials say at least 31 civilians have been killed since the start of the ground war.

The new campaign focused on northern Gaza, but incursions have also been made in the south. An Israeli armored force penetrated as far as the abandoned settlement of Netzarim, one of several communities left behind by Israel when it pulled out of Gaza in 2005.

The Israeli military says its troops have killed several dozen Hamas militants, but Gaza officials would confirm only four dead.