Headline News


McCain says he will have Democrats in cabinet if elected

Source: Xinhua | 09-08-2008 09:49

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Republican presidential nominee John McCain said Sunday that if elected, he will include Democrats in his cabinet.

Appearing in an interview with CBS News, McCain hinted that he would probably get more than one Democrat into his administration.

"It's not going to be a single, 'Well, we have a Democrat now,'" he said.

McCain's words reflected his recent pledge on government reform and bipartisanship.

He also said the idea to have Democrats as cabinet members is in accord with the practices of previous administrations.

Both former president Bill Clinton and his successor George W. Bush had named one member of the other party as cabinet member.


Editor:Gao Jia