Headline News


Obama arrives in Jerusalem


Source: | 07-23-2008 09:33

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama arrived in Jerusalem on Tuesday to visit Israel and the Palestinian territory.

Palestinian artist Walid Ayyub makes the final touches on a portrait for US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama at his shop in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Obama stepped into the maelstrom of the Middle East Tuesday, warning the next US president could not just snap his fingers and make peace, as fresh violence rocked the region.(AFP)
Palestinian artist Walid Ayyub makes the final touches
on a portrait for US Democratic presidential candidate
Barack Obama at his shop in the West Bank city of
Ramallah. Obama stepped into the maelstrom of the Middle
East Tuesday, warning the next US president could not
just snap his fingers and make peace, as fresh
violence rocked the region.(AFP)

During the fifth leg of his week-long overseas tour, he is scheduled to hold talks with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and visit Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and the rocket-stricken southern city of Sderot.

Hours before his arrival, a bulldozer went on a rampage near the hotel where he is supposed to stay.

16 people were injured before the driver was shot dead. Obama strongly condemned the attack and said he will always support Israel in confronting terrorism and pursuing lasting peace and security.


Editor:Zhang Yue