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Iran envoy comments on nuclear standoff


Source: | 03-04-2008 13:37

The International Atomic Energy Agency has convened a meeting in Vienna to discuss Iran's nuclear standoff.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iranian Ambassador to IAEA.
Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iranian Ambassador to IAEA.

Iran's chief IAEA representative warned that the new UN resolution could undermine the role of the nuclear watchdog agency.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iranian Ambassador to IAEA, said, "The UN Security Council resolution, each of them are arrows aiming at the heart of the agency and the resolution will undoubtedly weaken the authority of the agency and its credibility and independent role of the agency, therefore the advice is not to make another mistake because this is the fact that now we are witnessing that if you see the draft of the resolution they have not even the report of the director general. It means they don't care what is happening in the IAEA, they have some political motivation...and maybe you can say this is a hidden agenda those who are insisting on the resolutions."


Editor:Zhang Pengfei