Headline News


Hillary wins New Mexico nomination race

Source: Xinhua | 02-15-2008 15:15

WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) was declared as the winner of the Feb. 5 New Mexico Democratic presidential nomination race Thursday, after a delayed vote-counting process which took more than a week.

Brian Colon, chairman of N.M. Democratic Party said that after a 9-day counting of some 17,000 votes, the final tally gave the former first lady a 1,709-vote edge over rival Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

The outcome was seen as face-saving for Clinton, who suffered 8consecutive losses to Obama and was overtaken by him in the tally of national convention delegates since last weekend.

"I am so proud to have earned the support of New Mexicans from across the state," she said in response to the results.

Based on the results, Clinton will receive 14 delegates from New Mexico, and Obama will get 12.

To date, Clinton and Obama each has the support of 1,211 and 1,253 delegates.

It needs the support of at least 2,025 delegates to secure the presidential nomination.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei