US envoy optimistic ahead of talks on disabling DPRK nuclear program
Source: | 08-30-2007 09:04
The US and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea will hold working group talks in Geneva to try to forge an agreement for the DPRK to declare and disable its nuclear weapons program by the end of 2007.
The chief US nuclear envoy says there must be clarity on the DPRK's uranium enrichment programme in order to achieve a definition of disablement.
Christopher Hill, US Assistatnt Secretary of State, said, "Clearly we need a declaration that involves all of their nuclear programmes and we need clarity in particular on a programme that is not yet acknowledged which is uranium enrichment. And I think to achieve what we're trying to achieve, we do need to get through that issue, and so I don't want to predict what the game is going to look like but I do believe we have the elements to come to a full declaration and a disablement, and a disablement that satisfies our definition of disablement. There are many ways to disable nuclear programmes, but there were a lot of exchange of views on that and I think we can come up with something."
Editor:Du Xiaodan