
Chinese premier meets Pakistani PM 12-16-2004 09:16

China and Pakistan have agreed to bolster economic cooperation and bring new vitality to their traditional friendship. Meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao on the second day of a five-day visit to China, Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz described the two countries as "strategic partners". He also said Pakistan recognizes China as a full market economy.

Aziz will hold talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday. Also during his trip, he will meet members of the business community, and visit Shanghai. This is the Pakistani prime minister's first visit to China since he took office in August last year.

During their meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on a range of issues of common concern. The premier stressed China and Pakistan should speed up efforts to set up a free trade zone between the two countries.

He called for the two sides to strengthen cooperation in energy, resource exploitation, agriculture, technology, education, and anti-terrorism. Wen Jiabao also expressed appreciation of the Pakistani government's support for the One China policy and China's efforts to maintain its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Prime Minister Aziz said Pakistan recognizes China as a full market economy, and noted that Chinese investment in Pakistan was increasing and that bilateral trade is on the rise.

On relations with India, Aziz said Islamabad was determined to achieve a negotiated peace with its neighbor. He said he hopes China will continue to play a positive role in peace and development in South Asia.

After their meeting, Wen Jiabao and Aziz attended the signing ceremony for a number of agreements on economic and technological cooperation.


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