
Premier calls for deeper ties 12-10-2004 09:28

Premier Wen Jiabao addressed the China-Europe Commercial and Industrial Summit in The Hague. He called on both sides to continue developing their strategic partnership in a bid to benefit China, Europe and the world.

In his speech, Wen Jiabao said Sino-European relations are now in their most dynamic and fruitful period. He noted that the enlarged EU is China's largest trade partner, while China has become Europe's second largest trade partner. Cooperation is increasing, providing a solid foundation for further development.

China and Europe had no fundamental conflicts, and rather see their common interests growing steadily, the Premier said, and their economies complementary.

China and Europe are working for a comprehensive strategic partnership, Wen said, based on mutual respect and trust. He said efforts should be made to expand converging interests and seek common ground on major issues, while shelving differences on the minor problems.

Wen called for further bilateral trade and investment, especially in technology development.

He also spoke on China's political, economic and social development, and rebutted the "China Threat" theory.

Wen Jiabao concluded his speech by saying Sino-European Relations have a bright future, and further development would benefit not only China and Europe, but the world at large.

More than 500 Chinese and European commercial and industrial representatives attended Thursday's summit.


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