
Russia, China to further boost ties 10-11-2004 12:15

Russian President Vladimir Putin's impending China visit will strengthen coordination between the two countries on international issues and further boost bilateral ties. That's according to Russia's Ambassador to China Igor Rogachev, at a press conference in Beijing.

Putin is scheduled to begin his visit later this week. Rogachev said the two sides would reiterate their stance of safeguarding the integrity of sovereign territory and Russia would reaffirm its positions on Taiwan and Tibet issues.

He said China and Russia will sign a political document that, in his words, "carries special weight," on the current development of bilateral ties. The Russian Ambassador said the presidents will hold discussions on cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Also on the agenda will be the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula and the UN's role in international affairs.

Putin's visit coincides with the 55th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Russian diplomatic ties.


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