Chinese Premier meets EU leaders

2009-05-21 08:42 BJT


Special Report: Wen attends China-EU summit |

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and European Union leaders are holding talks in Prague on keeping trade open and preventing climate change. Wen Jiabao has arrived at the capital of the Czech Republic to attend the 11th China-EU Summit which starts on Wednesday.

The Chinese Premier is scheduled to meet the President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, and the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso. They are expected to hold in-depth discussions on bilateral ties, as well as on major international and regional issues.

The annual summit is the highest political consultative mechanism between China and the EU. The summit was initially scheduled for December, 2008. But it was postponed as French President Nicolas Sarkozy decided to meet the Dalai Lama, while France was holding the rotating EU presidency.

It is hoped that the summit will help to push forward China-EU ties to a new phase of development.

Editor: Xiong Qu | Source: