央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月17日 02:12 來源:
阿爾貝特 納吉Albert NADJ (塞黑) ——阿根廷今天比我們表現的更好,我們對此也無能為力。他們在技術上運用的非常聰明,他們的球根本斷不下來。在被罰下一人後,我們就已經輸掉了比賽。現在我們要把精力放在接下來的比賽,希望在回家之前我們能夠贏得最後一場比賽。當然,我們非常悲傷,但是他們利用他們所有的機會進了球。我知道我們現在已經出局了。
德揚 斯坦科維奇Dejan STANKOVIC (塞黑)——國內的球迷一定很傷心,因為我們輸了個0比6。這就像你一下子被摧毀了一樣!但是我們現在需要把這個拋在腦後,要盡我們最大的努力贏得最後一場對科特迪瓦的比賽。
奧格年 克羅曼Ognjen KOROMON (塞黑)——今晚上對我們來説是一個非常艱難的夜晚。我們做了我們應該做的,但是在馬泰亞 凱日曼Kezman下場後我們就徹底的沒有機會了。
伊萬 埃爾吉奇Ivan ERGIC (塞黑)——0-6輸掉比賽是可怕的,但是我麼並不是百分之百的準備好了,我們身上擔負著巨大的媒體壓力,媒體所報道的有些並不是事實。
姆拉登 克爾斯塔季奇Mladen KRSTAJIC (塞黑)——今晚我們是跟一支完美的球隊比賽,輸給這樣一支進攻火力如此猛烈的球隊沒有什麼可恥的。我將第一個祝賀他們踢了一場精彩的比賽。
馬泰亞 凱日曼Mateja KEZMAN (塞黑) 我們今天度過了非常悲傷的一天。 阿根廷隊是一支非常優秀的隊伍,他們在整場比賽中壓制住了我們,我們根本沒有機會。阿根廷和巴西隊是大力神盃的有力爭奪者。
鏈結: http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/060616/1/7ozg.html
16 June 2006
by FIFAworldcup.com
Albert NADJ (SCG) Argentina were much better than us today, there is nothing we can do about that. They were smarter and in terms of technique they are virtually untouchable. After we went a man down we were dead in the water. Now we have to focus on our last match and hopefully we can get a win to bring back tour people at home. Of course we are very sad, but they scored with all of their chances. We know we are pretty much out now.
The people back home will be upset, because when you lose 6-0 it’s like you were really destroyed. But now we need to put this behind us and do our best to win our last match against the Ivory Coast.
It was a really tough night for us tonight. We did what we could, but after Kezman was sent off we had no chance really.
To lose 6-0 is horrible, but we were not completely fit and we have had a lot of pressure put on us by the press and the media back home. Some of the things they say are not true
We played against a fantastic team tonight and there is no shame in losing to a team of this calibre. I will be the first to congratulate them on a wonderful performance.
Mateja KEZMAN (SCG) We had a very bad day. They (Argentina) are a very good team and they outplayed us the whole game long and we never had a chance. Argentina and Brazil are my candidates to win it all.