央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月13日 20:58 來源:
烏克蘭頭號球星安德烈 舍甫琴柯説,他感覺身體已經恢復到不錯的狀態,自己可以在週三對西班牙的比賽中上場。但是,教練要通過討論後,才能決定最終是否派他上場。
隊友謝爾蓋 雷布羅夫接受採訪時説道:“他目前的狀態不錯,我認為他會在明天的比賽中上場。”
原文:World-Shevchenko feels fine, coach to decide if he plays
By Iain Rogers
LEIPZIG, June 13 (Reuters) - Ukraine's Andriy Shevchenko said he feels fit to play in the opening Group H game against Spain on Wednesday but the coach has to decide if he starts.
"I am feeling quite well," the striker told reporters after training on Tuesday. "The coach will decide this evening whether I play. I'm ready for any decision he might make."
The 29-year-old former European Footballer of the Year has been nursing a knee injury that has threatened to keep him out of the match between the two group favourites.
Ukraine coach Oleg Blokhin later told reporters: "We haven't discussed yet if he will play. I will discuss it with him".
Shevchenko's fellow striker Serhiy Rebrov added: He is fine. I think he will play tomorrow."
Updated on Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 8:15 am EDT