央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月12日 16:58 來源:
柬埔寨的大氏族長Non Nget告誡柬埔寨國內的40,000名佛教僧侶,在觀看世界盃足球賽時要保持克制否則將被解除僧侶職務。Non Nget在6月12日時説僧侶不應該在公共場合看比賽,歡呼或者是賭球,這些都是違反佛教戒律的。他對路透社説“很難禁止他們看球,現在的技術太發達了,人們可以在任何地方看到比賽的直播” “他們可以觀看比賽,但是必須保持平靜,如果在看球時製造噪音或是大聲慶祝,他們將被解除僧侶的職務”.
World-Cambodian monks face World Cup defrocking
PHNOM PENH, June 12 (Reuters) - Phnom Penh patriarch Non Nget has told Cambodia's 40,000 Buddhist monks to remain passive while watching World Cup soccer games or be defrocked.
Non Nget said on Monday monks should not watch the games in public, cheer or bet on matches as such actions were against Buddhism.
"It is very difficult to ban them because new technology means the games can be aired live and seen everywhere," he said. "They may watch, but must be calm."
"But if they make noise or cheer as they watch, they will lose their monkhoods," Non Nget told Reuters.