央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月11日 19:02 來源:
伊朗推遲了他們在比賽當天的訓練,並對外宣稱受傷的後衛薩塔爾 扎雷仍然留在隊中,儘管韌帶傷病可能讓他缺席整個世界盃比賽。
他也談到了三天前一次訓練中右膝韌帶受傷的薩塔爾 扎雷,他已經被排除在首場名單之外了。但他仍然留在隊中,並沒有被替換,儘管球隊已經向國際足聯遞交了替換隊員的啟動程序。教練布蘭科 伊萬科維奇説扎雷可能會缺席世界盃的所有比賽,他告訴路透社説他們在賽前和國際足聯緊急聯絡,要求在扎雷不能上場的情況下換成Hadi Shakoury。國際足聯有規定在球隊首場比賽開始前24小時前可以召替補入隊。一國際足聯表示,不管伊朗能否確定扎雷上場,只要是在距離比賽開場24小時前提出換人要求,他們都可以召入替補隊員。
同樣是首選的中場費裏敦 讚迪也因傷被排除在首發外了。
鏈結: http://sports.yahoo.com/sow/news?slug=reu-worldiranzare&prov=reuters&type=lgns
原文: World-Iran delays training, injured Zare still in team
By Karolos Grohmann
NUREMBERG, June 11 (Reuters) - Iran delayed their match-day training session on Sunday and said injured defender Sattar Zare was still officially in the team despite a ligaments injury that could rule him out of the entire tournament.
"The team will train a little later but they will train," a team official told Reuters. He did not give any reasons for the delay of this unusual training session planned only seven hours prior to their match.
He also said Zare, who injured the ligaments in his right knee and had been ruled out of the opener, had not yet been dropped despite launching procedures with FIFA, world soccer's governing body, to replace him.
"He is not yet out of the team. He is still officially in the team," the official said.
Coach Branko Ivankovic said Zare was likely to miss the whole tournament after damaging his ligaments during a training session three days ago.
Ivankovic told Reuters on the eve of the game Iran had already contacted FIFA to replace him with Hadi Shakoury in case he could not play.
"We have made the contacts with officials because there is the 24-hour rule and so if Zare cannot play then we are allowed to call up Shakoury," the Croat said.
Teams can call up replacements until up to 24 hours before their first game.
A FIFA official told Reuters if Iran had started the procedure even before deciding whether Zare was fit to play and as long as it was within the 24-hour limit, they could bring in a replacement.
Zare was expected to start against Mexico. Midfield man Ferydoon Zandi, another first choice, has already been ruled out.
Iran also face Angola and Portugal in Group D.