央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月11日 02:46 來源:
國際足聯在週六表示,通過比賽錄像顯示,由巴拉圭隊長卡洛斯 加馬拉打進的本屆世界盃的第一個烏龍球有可能算成是貝克漢姆的進球。一位國際足聯發言人説,國際足聯技術研究小組將在週六晚的例會上對這個進球進行研究。技術研究小組將決定這個球算在誰的頭上。世界盃開始前,該小組説他們會將烏龍球限制在最小的範圍內。這個進球是在貝克漢姆主罰任意球時打在加馬拉頭上變向入網的。加馬拉在賽後説,我不相信球打在我頭上變向了,我想事實是它的球速變快了。國際足聯在經過重新校正後還將進球時間由第4分鐘改為了第3分鐘。
oliverkahn20022003@yahoo.com.cn 説:
原文:World-FIFA to decide if Beckham gets credit for goal
BERLIN, June 10 (Reuters) - The first own goal of the World Cup, scored by Paraguay captain Carlos Gamarra, could be credited to England skipper David Beckham after a video review, FIFA said on Saturday.
oliverkahn20022003@yahoo.com.cn 説:
A FIFA spokesman said the only goal of the Group B match between England and Paraguay would be studied at a routine meeting of FIFA's Technical Study Group on Saturday evening.
The TSG decides who should be credited with so-called dubious goals and said before the tournament they were keen to limit own goals to a minimum.
作者-李雪 二外英語系