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花絮 安哥拉隊吃到家鄉美味

央視國際 www.cctv.com  2006年06月11日 00:53 來源:

  當安哥拉隊的球員坐到餐桌旁時,菜單上有一些特別為他們準備的東西。洛夫Love Cabungula)説:“我真高興能吃到funge。” funge是安哥拉的一種傳統食物, 用玉米或木薯面做成的粥。首次參加世界盃的安哥拉隊將在6月11日進行他們的首場比賽,對手是葡萄牙隊。這支被認為是D組最弱的球隊還將面對墨西哥和伊朗。安哥拉隊是最早抵達德國的幾支球隊之一,在這裡他們很難享受到家鄉的美味。這支有黑羚羊之稱的球隊在5月中旬就已來到德國,並且隨隊帶來5名烹飪專家:主廚Fernando Peixoto和他的助手、面點師、一名服務生和一名吧臺服務員。他們也同時帶來了3300鎊從本國買來的原料。他們的主教練貢薩爾維斯(Goncalves)説:“我知道隊員們很高興能吃到安哥拉自己的食物,但這種食物很難消化,我們只能偶爾吃吃。”所有的球員都承認,沒有什麼像吃安哥拉傳統食物這樣好,而且他們要善加利用這樣的機會,因為下一次再吃就要等上一段時間了。主廚Peixoto説,至少也要等到與葡萄牙的比賽之後。


  原文:Angola's national soccer team gets a taste of home-- for lunch

  By ZOE EISENSTEIN, For The Associated Press

  June 9, 2006

  CELLE, Germany (AP) -- When Angola's national team sat down for lunch, there was something special on the menu.

  "I'm really happy we got to eat funge," said Love Cabungula, referring to the typical Angolan dish which is a type of porridge made of corn or manioca flour. "It's going to help motivate us for the game on Sunday. It's so nice to eat our own food from home."

  Angola, at the World Cup for the first time, plays its opening match Sunday against former colonial power Portugal. The Africans, considered the weakest team in Group D, also face Mexico and Iran in the first round.

  Angola was one of the first teams to arrive in Germany for training, and luxuries from home have been few.

  "We've only eaten funge once since we arrived and that was about a week ago," midfielder Andre said on Thursday. "It's always good to eat food from our land, African food, with people I like. Even though I've lived outside Angola for many years, it helps me not to miss home too much."

  The Black Antelopes came to Germany in mid-May with a team of five culinary experts: head chef Fernando Peixoto, his assistant, a pastry-maker, a waiter and a bartender. They also brought 3,300 pounds of ingredients from the southwestern African country.

  "We came to Germany on a reconnaissance mission before the World Cup and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be easy to find the necessary ingredients on the local market," said Peixoto, a rotund Angolan who boasts a chain of five restaurants back home and has been working with the national team for 15 years.

  "We asked for authorization to cook at the hotel and they gave us an area in the kitchen where we can do our own cooking. The players are happy to know they have their own cooks with them. They miss the food from home," Peixoto added.

  The Black Antelopes are based in the small town of Celle, about 30 miles outside Hanover, where bratwurst, sauerkraut and asparagus are more common on local menus.

  "The local food is very good, but our food habits are a bit different and the players are more used to Angolan food," said Peixoto, adding that the funge would be accompanied by a fish stew known as "Calulu de Peixe" and beans with palm oil.

  In Angola on Saturday afternoons, when families usually gather to eat funge, there is time for a digestive nap after a heavy lunch. But this is the World Cup and, although it's Angola's first appearance at the tournament, coach Luis Oliveira Goncalves said traditional home-cooked cuisine has its time and place.

  "I know that the players are happier eating our own Angolan dishes, but these types of food are heavy, so they can only eat them sometimes, when there is time to digest," Goncalves said.

  "We ate funge for lunch because we're only going to train at 9 p.m., so the players will have lots of time to digest," Goncalves added.

  All the players agree there is nothing quite like eating traditional Angolan food. But they should make the most of it, because they may have to wait a while before they get to eat it again, Peixoto said.

  "At least until after their game with Portugal," the cook added.

  Updated on Friday, Jun 9, 2006 3:28 am EDT



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