央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月10日 04:16 來源:
看到整個國家團結在一起,這真是感人的一幕。德國球迷身穿德國人的T恤,頭戴德國帽,手裏揮舞著他們的國旗,臉上還畫著他們國家的顏色。有一些中年男性還穿上了阿爾卑斯山民特有的皮短褲。雖然哥斯達黎加的球迷在人數上遠不如德國球迷多,但是他們同樣熱愛他們自己的國家。體育場裏哥斯達黎加球迷一角也是一片紅加藍的歡樂海洋,他們的加油聲大得可以充斥整個球場了。這樣壯觀的場面也許你在奧運會上都是見不到的,這也就是為什麼世界盃每四年舉辦一次,每次持續一個月的原因了。就是這樣一個盛大的節日,國際足聯又是採用什麼方式開始這樣一個盛事的呢?— 一個甚至連二流的嘉年華都不會採用的開幕式:一支雷蓋樂隊;牧羊者抽著鞭子;一群好像從阿姆斯特丹酒吧走出來的搞錯了方向的舞者;假草堆、一輛馬車以及母牛的頸鈴。舉辦這樣一個歡樂的開幕式本身並沒有錯誤,而且是要通過電視轉播的節目,所以這些儀式是不可缺少的。但是,組織這場開幕式的人肯定也是準備不充分的。在講話和歌舞表演之後我們終於等來了球賽。世界盃球賽才是我們真正關注的。看世界盃就是要看球賽。
MUNICH, Germany (AP) -- There's something truly moving about seeing an entire nation come together.
The city of Munich was bathed in black, red and gold on Friday. Germans carried their flag and wore its colors on their faces. They wore Germany hats, T-shirts and leis, and more than a few grown men proudly sported lederhosen.
The Costa Ricans were far outnumbered at the opener against Germany, but equally patriotic. Their small corner of the stadium was a sea of red tinged with blue, and they made enough noise to fill the building.
Scenes like this are what set the World Cup apart. It's 32 nations -- well, 31 and those few Americans who consider this the real football -- putting aside whatever ails them and uniting to support their team. It's something you don't see anywhere else, not even at the Olympics, and it's why the world comes to a stop for a month every four years.
So what does FIFA do to kick off this oh-so-special event? It puts on an opening ceremony that even a two-bit carnival wouldn't take.
A reggae band. Goat herders cracking whips. Dancers who looked as if they took a wrong turn on their way out of a club in Amsterdam. Faux haystacks, a wagon and cowbells. And a bunch of floating Carmen Mirandas, one complete with a fruit tree on her head.
Indeed, nothing says "World's Biggest Sporting Event" quite like Carmen Miranda.
There's nothing wrong with a little opening fanfare. And with everything a made-for-TV event these days, these ceremonies are here to stay. But there's a right way to do them, and whoever planned Friday's shindig didn't get the memo.
The parade of former champions, that was classy. Seeing a grinning Pele lead the Brazilians, some of whom bore little resemblance to the fleet-footed players of old, was a moment to remember. So, too, were the cheers and waving flags that greeted Germany's winners.
Too bad we couldn't skip everything else and get on with the game.
The World Cup stands on its own as spectacle -- in a good way, on the pitch. At least a third of the planet will tune in at some point during the next month. Businesses, politics, even wars come to a stop temporarily to follow matches.
Friday's opening show made it seem like some minor-league event trying way too hard to get attention. Even Vince McMahon and the WWE folks would have found it tacky.
The drummers and bell ringers in traditional Bavarian dress were supposed to represent the picturesque region around Munich. But the tournament is being played at 12 sites all over Germany, and it's a unique opportunity for the once-divided nation to show off its strong new self.
Then came a choir dressed in costumes that appeared stolen from the set of "101 Dalmations." Or some ice dancers.
Then there was a reggae band, with drummers playing instruments from all over the world joining in. Then out came the Carmens. There were 24 of them, women dressed in big poofy skirts that made them look like bells that hang on Christmas trees.
And the headgear! In addition to that fruit tree, one of the Carmens wore an Indian headdress. Another had horns that could have been lifted from a yak.
They appeared to float into the air with a puff of wind beneath their skirts, a la Marilyn Monroe. In truth, they were being pulled by wires -- and there they hung for about 20 minutes, twirling around and waving their hands.
German supermodel Claudia Schiffer was trotted out to help Pele carry the World Cup trophy, as if he needed any help.
After a few speeches and some more singing and dancing, it came to a merciful end. The dancers left, the Carmens floated down to earth and the red carpet covering the field was pulled up.
A few minutes later, the German team came onto the field to warm up and fans responded with the loudest cheers of the day.
When it comes to the World Cup, the game really is enough.
作者—北京第二外國學院國貿院 安娜