國際足聯醫療委員會負責人Jiri Dvorak醫生表示,在過去62場比賽裏的156起場上救治中,有88起並沒有在賽後報告中提到。“這種事情太多了,我們必須詳細調查一下。”球員們假裝被侵犯或受傷以激怒對手的現象長久以來遭人詬病。儘管這樣,本屆世界盃的傷病率還是低於以往。Jiri Dvorak説,他下一個要嚴加審查的,就是球員們在比賽中的“功夫”飛腳-在還沒有身體碰撞前,他們就把腳抬起來了。
鏈結: http://sports.yahoo.com/sow/news?slug=ap-wcup-notebook&prov=ap&type=lgns
原文:Most World Cup players 'injured' on the field not really hurt
July 8, 2006
BERLIN (AP) -- Now there's proof that players are regularly faking injuries at the World Cup.
In more than half the cases when a player received treatment on the field, medical staff reported no injuries in their postmatch reports.
Of the 156 on-pitch treatments in the first 62 matches, 88 were not noted in postgame reports, said Dr. Jiri Dvorak, the head of FIFA's medical committee.
"We have too much of this," Dvorak said. "It's something we need to look into."
It's a persistent criticism: players diving, simulating fouls and faking injuries to draw cautions on rivals.
Even so, medics have been less busy this World Cup than others.
On average medics have tended to 2.2 players per match, compared to 2.7 in 2002 and 2.4 in 1998.
Dvorak said extra vigilance by referees had helped reduce injuries.
A crackdown on elbowing in aerial challenges, recommended by the medical committee, has led to a reduction in head injuries. There were 11 head injuries recorded, but only one concussion -- down from four in 2002.
Dvorak said his next target for scrutiny is the "kung fu" style kick in which players raise their feet before collisions.