葡萄牙隊的小小羅和他的隊友們,被暴躁的法國隊的主教練多梅內克冠以“野人”的稱謂。3年前21歲國家隊引發的衝突一定會給今晚的半決賽增添一些火藥味。2003年11月,多梅內克曾率領法國21歲以下國家隊和葡萄牙交手過,那支球隊裏就包括現在的克裏斯蒂亞諾 羅納爾多和烏戈 維亞納。在那場比賽裏,葡萄牙人賽後又將更衣室弄的一片狼藉。葡萄牙隊被重罰,多梅內克也暴怒:“他們就是野人。他們是以為自己還處在被西班牙征服的時代嗎?”現在他對那時的事故也記得很清楚:“葡萄牙是一支有實力、訓練有素的球隊--他們知道怎麼防守,也知道怎麼挑釁他們的對手。”
鏈結: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002390000-2006300718,00.html
原文:Ronaldo's a savage
CRISTIANO RONALDO and his Portugal team-mates were branded “savages” by furious France boss Raymond Domenech.
The row, which erupted after an Under-21 clash, is sure to add extra spice to tonight’s World Cup semi-final.
Domenech was in charge of France Under-21s for a home match against a Portuguese side including Ronaldo and Hugo Viana in November 2003.
The clash was littered with X-rated challenges and the visitors trashed a dressing room after the game.
Portugal were fined heavily and Domenech fumed: “They are savages. Do they think they are still in the time of the conquistadors?”
Ronaldo, who is locked in a bitter war of words after his part in Wayne Roney’s red card for England against Portugal on Saturday, defended himself and his team-mates at the time by saying: “We were just a little exuberant because we won.”
Domenech clearly remembers the incident and said: “Portugal are a team with talent, are well organised, know how to defend — and how to provoke their opponents.”