央視國際 www.cctv.com 2006年06月13日 19:47 來源:
就在多哥開始他們首場比賽的前幾個小時,關於主教練人選的混亂消息又再一次傳了出來。“奧托不會出線在教練席,他們(多哥足協)讓他等等,”多哥隊一位不願透露姓名的球員説。多哥足協的一位發言人表示他們在開會商討中,但是他並沒有特別指出那個人就是奧托 普菲斯特。普菲斯特也沒能給出即時評論。
鏈結: http://sports.yahoo.com/sow/news?slug=reu-worldtogopfister&prov=reuters&type=lgns
原文:World-Fresh confusion over Togo coach's job
FRANKFURT, June 13 (Reuters) - Confusion reigned over who will coach Togo just hours before their World Cup debut on Tuesday when a player told Reuters that Otto Pfister would not be in charge for the match against South Korea.
"Otto will not be on the bench. They (the Togolese Football Association) have told him to wait," said the player, who did not want to be named.
A Togo FA spokesman said they were in a meeting but did not specify whether it was with Pfister. Pfister was not immediately available to comment.
Togo kick off against the South Koreans at 3 p.m. (1300 GMT) in Frankfurt.