

  時間                峰會議題

  09:00-09:45       開幕式及主旨演講

  10:15-11:30       第一單元 媒體公信力:缺失了什麼?危機是否存在?

  11:30-12:45       第二單元 媒體道德和媒體自由

  14:00-15:30       第三單元 適合全球觀眾的節目內容

  16:00-17:30       第四單元 文化與廣播電視的創造性






  時間                峰會議題

  09:00-09:15       頒發世界電視大獎

  09:15-10:30       第五單元 促進“空中多樣性”:以社區廣播為例

  11:00-12:30       第六單元 媒體是否可為尋找財富的工人和移民提供幫助

  14:00-15:15       第七單元 廣播電視著作權:需要改革麼?

  15:15-16:15       第八單元 創新型新聞報道:值得採用麼?

  16:45-17:45       第九單元 勾畫媒體援助:應該走多遠?

  17:45-18:00       邀請出席2011年亞洲媒體峰會會議總結發言

  19:00-21:00       AIBD非常規大會(僅正式成員國出席)





DAY 1-Tuesday,25 May

0900 - 0930 Inaugural Session and Keynote Address

LIU Yunshan Member of the Political Bureau, Secretary of the Secretariat, and Director of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)

WANG Taihua Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, and Minister of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Thoyyib Mohamed Waheed President of AIBD General Conference & Minister of State for Tourism,Arts and Culture, Department of Information, Maldives


0930 - 1045 Session 1

Public Trust in Media: What is Missing? Is there a Crisis?

Media stereotypes, cultural biases, lack of objectivity and inaccuracies are but a few criticisms harped against media. The public has also complained against excessive commercialism or government control.Critics say that these weaknesses have been responsible for the declining trust in media. Is there a crisis of credibility and trust in media? How do we promote public trust in the media? What is missing in media?What are our standards and ethics? Who should be involved? And What and How?

Moderator Mr. Ken Clark General Manager International for Fiji Television Limited of Fiji and Chief Executive Officer, Media Niugini Limited, Papua New Guinea


Mr. Maurice Newman ABC Chairman - Australia

Mr. Saeed Shouly Director of Quality Control, Al Jazeera - English

Prof. Hu Zhengrong Professor of Communication, Director of the National Center for Radio & TV Studies and Vice President, Communication University of China

Mr. Hidetoshi Fujisawa Chief Commentator and Program Host for NHK Japan Broadcasting


Mr. Freddy H. Tulung Chairperson for the Public Information Agency, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Indonesia


1115 - 1230 Session 2

Media Ethics and Media Freedom

A free media, independent of influences and pressures put by state, religion and commercial forces, depend on a number of factors. The universal principles of freedom of expression and freedom of information,media laws operating within each country, the regulations put on each media in each country, co-regulation by the media industry, self-regulation by each media house, journalistic ethics and codes adopted by media practitioners and moral integrity of individual media professional. What are the fine lines that separate legal, ethical and moral codes that ensure the achievement of the ideal of media freedom? What administrative, corporate and community structures need to be put in place?(Co-organised by FES and AIBD)


 Mr. Andy Clark Head of RNW English Department Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW)


Mr. Narayan Rao Group C.E.O., New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) – India

Dr. Jean-Bernard M徂nch President SRG SSR id岢e Suisse, The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation /Former Secretary General, European Broadcasting Union (EBU) -Switzerland

Mr. Gazi Salahuddin, Media Expert /Sr. Journalist – Pakistan

Dr. Mehdi Tabeshian Former Acting President, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)

Mr. Kavi Chongkittavorn Senior Editor of The Nation, Bangkok


1400 - 1410 Message from the UN Secretary General

Mr. Kiyotaka Akasaka Under Secretary – General of the United Nations for Communications and Public Information


1410 - 1530 Session 3

Content Access for a Universal Audience

While media has provided more visibility to Asia and Africa, it has also posed challenges to the type of content being dished out. Asian entertainment programmes are more globalized, creating a new market for growth and a better appreciation of Asian culture, values and beliefs. However, there is a dearth of intelligent reporting on events and issues related to the developing and underdeveloped countries, and if there are, they are trivialized and unable to present context and explanations, and even driven by narrow commercial interests. How do we ensure better and innovative content? What strategies will be relevant to reach out to the global audience?


Mr. Manuel Gonçalves Vice Chairman & CEO TDM - Teledifusão de Macau, S.A.


Mr. Kim In-Kyu President & CEO, Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), Korea

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar President International Movement for a Just World, Malaysia

Mr. Solly Mokoetle CEO, South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited (SABC), South Africa

Mr. Sun Yusheng Vice President, China Central Television (CCTV)

Dr. Riyadh K. Najm President, Arab States Broadcasting Union and Assistant Deputy Minister for Engineering, Ministry of Culture & Information, Saudi Arabia


1600 - 1730 Session 4

Culture and Creativity in Broadcasting

Asia-Pacific’s rich culture be it literature, arts, music, festivals, cuisines, languages and religions has been the subject of content for a cultural industry like broadcasting. Such cultural heritage creates attractive media formats that has raised people’s level of awareness and understanding of Asia. But Asian values and beliefs have also served as barriers to creativity and innovation in media. What is the right formula to mix culture and creativity? Do we have creative people, appropriate technology and management support to produce innovative and exciting programmes to enhance understanding of Asian culture?


Mr. Salah Eddine Maaoui Director-General, Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU)


Prof. Abdul Waheed Khan Assistant Director-General, Communication and Information Sector UNESCO

Mr. Thoyyib Mohamed Waheed President of AIBD General Conference & Minister of State for Tourism,Arts and Culture, Department of Information, Maldives

Dr. Kwak, Duk Hoon President / CEO Korea Educational Broadcasting System

Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali President/Vice Chancellor of Open University Malaysia

Mr. Bruce Dover Chief Executive, ABC Australia Network Television



DAY 2-Wednesday,26 May

0900 - 0905 Announcement of the World Television Awards

Ms Moneeza Hashmi CBA President and Chairperson of the Jury

0905 - 0910 Report of the Pre- Summit Seminar on: Global Media Centre for Development

Otto Evjenth Executive Director of the Global Media Center for Development

0910 - 0915 Report of the Pre- Summit Seminar on: Ozone Protection & Climate Benefit

Rajendra Shende OzonAction Programme UNEP


0915 - 1030 Session 5

Promoting ‘On-Air Diversity’: A Case for Community Broadcasting

Community broadcasting is growing in Asia-Pacific. Information technologies are being integrated into community radio to reach out to audiences and become relevant. But barriers remain – technology, content development, community involvement, regulatory framework and sustainable management. How do we resolve them? What strategies do we adopt to ensure success in promoting on-air diversity?


Ms. Cheche Lazaro President, Probe Productions Inc. and Broadcast Journalist - Philippines


Mr. Raghu Menon Secretary, Ministry of Information, India / Chairman, IPDC Council, UNESCO

Mr. Steve Buckley President of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)

Ms. Supinya Klangnarong Vice-Chair, The Campaign for Popular Media Reform (CPMR) /Board Member of the Thai Netizen Network

Mr. Ian Morrison Spokesperson, Friends of Canadian Broadcasting

Mr. Ashish Chandra Sen Trustee, VOICES Bangalore


1100 - 1225 Session 6

Workers and Migrants in Search of Fortune: Can Media Help?

“Foreign” workers are all over the place in search of fortunes or to escape misfortunes. Attitudes towards them have been mixed. Some see it as a phenomenon that has led to urbanization, economic prosperity and to increasing cultural diversity. Others carry a negative mindset, perceiving them more as threats,thus making the social and economic existence of these workers more precarious. What can media do to enhance the social attitudes towards them? What are their roles and responsibilities?


 Mrs. Faiesea Lei Sam-Matafeo Managing Director, Samoa Quality Broadcasting Company Ltd.


Ms. Thetis Mangahas Regional Migration Specialist, Asia-Pacific International Labour Organisation

Mr. Baljit Singh Lalli CEO, Prasar Bharati Broadcasting Corporation of India

Mr. Parni Hadi President Director, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) - Indonesia

Mr. Abubakar Bobboyi Jijiwa CEO, Voice of Nigeria

Mr. Hamed Elmi Deputy Spokesperson to the Afghanistan President


1225- 1230 Invitation to the Arab Symposium by ASBU DG


1400 - 1515 Session 7

Copyright for Broadcasters: Are Reforms Needed?

As digital media spread and creators seek new rights, broadcasters face increasing challenges to generate a balanced approach to copyright issues, one that considers the needs not only of users and promoters of copyrighted works, but also of creators. What copyright reforms are needed? Are there effective agencies in place to provide certainty, clarity and predictability in copyright rate setting to benefit the copyright owner and user stakeholders, and hold accountable government, stakeholders and the public?



Mr. Isa Seow Managing Director, Centre for Content Protection (CCP)


Mr. Jim Thomson Former Office Solicitor, Television New Zealand (TVNZ)

Prof. Guy Berger Head of School of Journalism & Media St, Rhodes University

Mr. Liu Li Deputy Director of Law Division, Director of General Office (Intellectual Property Division) of Laws and Regulations Department, SARFT

Dr. Venkat Iyer Barrister and Senior Law Lecturer, University of Ulster, UK

Mr. Alvin Lee Executive Director, Time Warner Hong Kong Ltd


1515 - 1615 Session 8

Innovative Journalism – is it Worth Adopting?

Innovative journalism is a recent media development that is about covering stories about innovation in technology, science, the environment, politics and business in a comprehensive, multifaceted and creative way. It uses new multimedia technologies that integrate diverse aspects of creative storytelling. Its recognition is gaining ground, especially on the internet. Is this an effective form of journalism? Is it capable of enhancing how we communicate and live in this challenging times?


Mrs. Lem van Eupen Director of Strategy, Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW)


Mr. Toshiyuki Sato Special Controller of General Broadcasting Administration, Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK)

Mr. Li Ruigang President of Shanghai Media Group and Chairman, China Media Capital

Mr. Bernard Rappaz Editor-in-Chief of the News Department of RTS Radio Suisse Romande and Head of Multimedia, T岢l岢vision Suisse Romande

Mr. Philip Molefe Acting Head of News /General Manager, International Affairs (SABC) South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited


1645 - 1745 Session 9

Mapping Media Assistance: How Far should they Go?

Media assistance has evolved from providing minor donations of equipment and training exchanges to longterm,multi-faceted programmes. Donor governments and other aid agencies consider such aid as a key element of international development. Some see it as crucial to building democratic and prosperous societies;others as integral to providing humanitarian assistance. What are the experiences in Asia, in terms of the scope of media assistance, beneficiaries, and level of engagement by various groups? Are they making an impact? What are the new challenges?


Mr. Walter Fust President of the Globethics.net Board of Foundation and Executive Director of the Global Humanitarian Forum -Switzerland


Mr. Andrew Puddephatt Director, Global Partners & Associates Ltd – U.K.

Mr. Hezekiel Oira Chairman, Administrative, Legal and Financial Commission, African Union of

Broadcasting and Head of Legal Department, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Dr. Sayed Makhdoom Raheen Minister of Information and Culture, Ministry of Information and Culture Afghanistan

Mr. Matai Akauola Manager & Training Coordinator Pacific Islands News Association (PINA)

1745 - 1800 Recognition Awards of long standing AIBD partners and consultants

Invitation to the Asia Media Summit 2011, 2012 and 2013

Vote of thanks to the Host of the AMS 2010

Closing Remarks







袁同楠          國家廣播電影電視總局辦公廳副主任



梁小燕         國家廣播電影電視總局保衛司副司長

趙鐵騎         中央人民廣播電臺副臺長    

馬博輝         中國國際廣播電臺副總編輯

張長明         中國中央電視臺副臺長

李金榮          中國廣播電視國際經濟技術合作總公司總經理


曹寅(兼)   國家廣播電影電視總局國際合作司副司長                   

副 秘 書 長:

周桂珍          國家廣播電影電視總局國際合作司副司長     


孫柯林          中國廣播電視國際經濟技術合作總公司副總經理
