




Building an Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy


In the face of these challenges, we should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum. The G20 should change its policy approach, and place equal importance on both short-term and mid-to-long term policies, on both demand-side management and supply-side reform.


This year, we have agreed on the G20 blueprint for innovative growth, and we have made the unanimous decision to break a new path and expand new frontier for world economy to innovation, structural reform, new industrial revolution and the development of the digital economy.


1. 建設創新型世界經濟,開闢增長源泉。

We need to build an innovative world economy to generate new drivers of growth.

2. 建設開放型世界經濟,拓展發展空間。

We need to build an open world economy to expand the scope of development.

3. 建設聯動型世界經濟,凝聚互動合力。

We need to build an interconnected world economy to forge interactive synergy.

4. 建設包容型世界經濟,夯實共贏基礎。

We need to build an inclusive world economy to strengthen the foundation for win-win outcomes.


1. 共同構建公正高效的全球金融治理格局,維護世界經濟穩定大局。

Jointly ensure equitable and efficient global financial governance, and uphold the overall stability of the world economy.

2. 共同構建開放透明的全球貿易和投資治理格局,鞏固多邊貿易體制,釋放全球經貿投資合作潛力。

Jointly foster open and transparent global trade and investment governance to cement the multilateral trade regime, and unleash the potential of global cooperation in economy, trade and investment.

3. 共同構建綠色低碳的全球能源治理格局,推動全球綠色發展合作。

Jointly establish green and low-carbon global energy governance to promote global green development cooperation

4. 共同構建包容聯動的全球發展治理格局,以落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程為目標,共同增進全人類福祉!

Jointly facilitate an inclusive and interconnected global development governance to implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and jointly promote the wellbeing of mankind.


1. 加強宏觀經濟政策協調,合力促進全球經濟增長、維護金融穩定。

We should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and jointly promote global growth and uphold international financial stability.

2. 創新發展方式,挖掘增長動能。

We should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum.

3. 完善全球經濟治理,夯實機制保障。

We should improve global economic governance and strengthen institutional safeguards.

4. 建設開放型世界經濟,繼續推動貿易和投資自由化便利化。

We should build an open global economy and continue to promote facilitation and liberalization of trade and investment.

5. 落實2030年可持續發展議程,促進包容性發展。

We should implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote inclusive development.


Seize four key areas of world economy


First, we must transform growth patterns in innovative ways, with a particular focus on pursuing reform and innovation. We must create and seize new opportunities to increase potential for global economic growth.


Also, we need to improve global economic and financial governance, increase representation of emerging markets and developing countries, and enhance capacity of the global economy to ward off risks.


Third, we need to promote global trade and investment to generate growth and build an open world economy.


Lastly, we must promote inclusive and interconnected development, strive to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, eliminate poverty, and achieve common development.


Consolidate role of G20 as premier forum for global economic governance


G20 is now facing a transformation from a mechanism of crisis response to one of long-term governance. As its agenda items shift from short-term issues to deep-seated and longer-term ones, the necessity for and difficulty of macroeconomic policy coordination and enhanced cooperation among G20 members have both increased. We need to act in the spirit of partnership to work for the smooth transformation of the G20 and the consolidation of its role as the premier forum for global economic governance.


Open, transparent and inclusive approach


The G20 belongs to each and every one of its members. In preparing for the Hangzhou Summit, China will consistently follow an open, transparent and inclusive approach, and strengthen communication and coordination with all other members to jointly uphold, strengthen and develop the G20.


Mutually-beneficial bilateral investment treaty


The move toward multi-polarity, the increasing trend of globalization, and the quick application of information technologies have all been accompanied by growing challenges of various sorts, and have brought countries even closer than ever before. It is a time when ideas of zero-sum game and conflicts and confrontation must give way to common development and win-win cooperation. China and the US need to increase mutual trust. For China and the US, we need to maintain frequent communication and build up strategic mutual trust in order to avoid strategic misjudgment and prevent temporary problems from affecting our overall relations.


China and the US need to expand mutually-beneficial cooperation. We need to embrace a win-win perspective and move our cooperation to a higher level. It is imperative that we increase macro-economic policy coordination and work together with other parties concerned to ensure that the G20 Hangzhou Summit delivers positive outcomes to boost confidence and invigorate global growth. It is important that we do our best to conclude a mutually-beneficial bilateral investment treaty at the earliest possible date to foster a new highlight in business and trade cooperation. And it is important that we deepen exchange and cooperation in climate change, development, cyber issues, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, military-to-military relations and law enforcement, and step up communication and coordination on major international and regional issues as well as issues of global significance.


Focus on development


China will push forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by pushing the G20 Summit to focus on development and promoting the joint-construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative.


Confidence across the world, impetus in global economic growth


G20 is a major platform for global economic governance. Under the current circumstances, as the world's two largest economies, China and the US should closely cooperate, jointly push the G20 Hangzhou Summit for positive results, spread confidence across the world and inject impetus into global economic growth.


Create new drivers of economic growth


When hosting the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, China had made connectivity one of the key issues on the agenda in order to create new drivers of economic growth.



We support the G20 in establishing a Global Infrastructure Hub and the World Bank in setting up a Global Infrastructure Facility, and we will also contribute our share to global infrastructure investment through such means as the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund.


China's economic growth is an important engine of the world economy. According to the estimate of the relevant international organization, China is one of the largest contributors to the G20's Comprehensive Growth Strategy, which is the result of the policy measures China has taken for the purpose of fostering steady growth, adjusting economic structure, advancing reform and improving people's livelihood.


The growth strategy China has submitted to the G20 includes 134 such policy measures, fully demonstrating our resolve, thinking and action to promote growth through reform.


The Chinese economy will keep the momentum of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Its annual growth is equivalent to the economic aggregate of a medium-sized developed country. Over the next five years, China will import US$10 trillion of goods and invest over US$500 billion overseas.


 This will lead to more demand in world economy and create more market, investment and growth opportunities. As the host of the G20 summit in 2016, China is ready to make even greater contribution to and play a bigger role in driving world economic growth.


Earnestly maintain, build and develop G20


China is confident to fulfill its role as the chair of the 2016 G20 summit and a member of the three-member management troika for 2015 and 2017, and will work with all other parties to earnestly maintain, build and develop the mechanism of the G20.
