1、熊 太太,不能僅此而已(魯卡,波波娃)緩慢的葬禮
The bear (Lento funebre)-It is not just, Madam (Luka, Popova) |
00:03:01 |
2、熊 我的太太們也不見了(魯卡,波波娃)
The bear I lost my missus too (Luka, Popova) |
00:02:04 |
3、熊 你知道是怎麼回事(波波娃)
The bear You know quite well (Popova) |
00:02:02 |
4、熊 別這麼説(魯卡,波波娃)
The bear Instead of talking like that (Luka, Popova) |
00:01:23 |
5、熊 是誰呀?(波波娃,魯卡)
The bear Who is that? (Popova, Luka) |
00:03:18 |
6、熊 笨蛋!蠢驢!(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃)
The bear Fool! Oaf! Blockhead! (Smirnov, Popova) |
00:01:35 |
7、熊 我借錢給他了(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃)
The bear I lent him the sum (Smirnov, Popova) |
00:02:05 |
8、熊 看!她溜了(斯米爾諾夫)
The bear There! She's vanished (Smirnov) |
00:03:05 |
9、熊 嘿!怎麼回事?(魯卡,斯米爾諾夫)
The bear Well, what ist it? (Luka, Smirnov) |
00:03:19 |
10、熊 我渾身上下都是泥!(斯米爾諾夫,魯卡)
The bear Mud in my hair! Muck on my boots! (Smirnov, Luka) |
00:02:08 |
11、熊 老爺!在我孤獨的時候(波波娃,斯米爾諾夫)
The bear Sir, in my solitude (Popova, Smirnov) |
00:01:32 |
12、熊 我如何做才好?(波波娃,斯米爾諾夫)
The bear But what can I do (Popova, Smirnov) |
00:01:08 |
13、熊 你簡直不懂禮貌(波波娃,斯米爾諾夫)
The bear You don't seem to know how to behave (Popova, Smirnov) |
00:01:27 |
14、熊 太太,謝謝你(斯米爾諾夫)
The bear Madame, je vous prie (Smirnov) |
00:01:43 |
15、熊 這既不好笑,也不聰明,十足的愚蠢!(波波娃,斯米爾諾夫)
The bear That's rude and not at all clever or funny (Popova, Smirnov) |
00:01:27 |
16、熊 我是個好妻子(波波娃,斯米爾諾夫)
The bear I was a constant, faithful wife (Popova, Smirnov) |
00:04:00 |
17、熊 別對我吼叫,我不是你的看家狗(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃)
The bear Please don't shout. I'm not your bailiff (Smirnov, Popova, Luka) |
00:01:05 |
18、熊 我們早該放棄這想法了(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃)
The bear It's about time we gave up the idea (Smirnov, Popova, Luka) |
00:00:59 |
19、熊 我會把她趕走(斯米爾諾夫,魯卡)
The bear I'll pick her off like a partridge (Smirnov, Popova) |
00:01:06 |
20、熊 我就是喜歡她!(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃,魯卡)
The bear I like her! (Smirnov, Popova, Luka) |
00:03:48 |
21、熊 請問!你還在生氣嗎?(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃)
The bear (Con molto sentimento falso)-Listen… Are you still angry? (Smirnov, Popova) |
00:02:21 |
22、熊 開槍吧!我已活膩了!(斯米爾諾夫,波波娃)
The bear Fire! I would gladly die (Smirnov, Popova) |
00:02:41 |
23、熊 滾開,滾遠點!撒手!(波波娃,魯卡)
The bear Keep away! Stand back! Hands off! (Popova, Luka) |
00:01:21 |
24、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 號角曲
Facade Fanfare |
00:00:30 |
25、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 號笛曲
Facade Hornpipe |
00:01:12 |
26、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 家庭
Facade En famille |
00:02:58 |
27、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 水手
Facade Mariner man |
00:00:43 |
28、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 長葉草
Facade Long steel grass |
00:01:52 |
29、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 穿過鍍金的棚架
Facade Through gilded trellises |
00:02:19 |
30、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 我喜歡海邊(探戈—鬥牛舞)
Facade Tango-pasodoble (I do like to be beside the seaside) |
00:01:57 |
31、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 巨人搖籃曲
Facade Lullaby for Jumbo |
00:01:46 |
32、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 黑河馬伕人
Facade Black Mrs Behemoth |
00:00:53 |
33、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 塔蘭泰拉
Facade Tarantella |
00:01:19 |
34、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 鄉巴佬
Facade A man from a far countree |
00:01:28 |
35、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 湖畔
Facade By the lake |
00:01:43 |
36、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 鄉村舞
Facade Country dance |
00:01:55 |
37、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 波爾卡
Facade Polka |
00:01:22 |
38、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 凌晨四點
Facade Four in the morning |
00:02:12 |
39、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 場面背後的秘密
Facade Something lies beyond the scene |
00:01:01 |
40、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 圓舞曲
Facade Valse |
00:03:11 |
41、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 歡快的歌
Facade Jodelling song |
00:02:09 |
42、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 蘇格蘭狂想曲
Facade Scotch rhapsody |
00:01:24 |
43、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 流行曲
Facade Popular song |
00:01:59 |
44、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 老爵士福爾克(狐步舞)
Facade Old Sir Faulk (Fox-trot) |
00:02:04 |
45、配樂詩朗誦“門面” 鬼老爺
Facade Sir Beelzebub |
00:01:02 |
46、芭蕾組曲“聰穎的室女” (極快的活板)選自巴赫康塔塔 BWV 99
The wise virgins-Ballet suite What God hath done, is rightly done (Vivace assai) (from Cantata 99) |
00:03:05 |
47、芭蕾組曲“聰穎的室女” (柔板)選自巴赫眾讚歌前奏曲 BWV 727
The wise virgins-Ballet suite Lord hear my longing (Adagio) (Herzlich thut mich verlangen BWV 727) |
00:01:59 |
48、芭蕾組曲“聰穎的室女” (平靜地)選自巴赫康塔塔 BWV 85
The wise virgins-Ballet suite See what his love can do (Tranquillo) (Cantata 85) |
00:04:12 |
49、芭蕾組曲“聰穎的室女” (快板)選自巴赫康塔塔 BWV 26
The wise virgins-Ballet suite Ah! How ephemeral (Vivace) (Cantata 26) |
00:02:07 |
50、芭蕾組曲“聰穎的室女” (柔板)選自巴赫康塔塔 BWV 208
The wise virgins-Ballet suite Sheep may safely graze (Adagio) (Cantata 208) |
00:06:08 |
51、芭蕾組曲“聰穎的室女” (中庸速度)選自巴赫康塔塔 BWV 129
The wise virgins-Ballet suite Praise be to God (Moderato) (Cantata 129) |
00:01:40 |