1、動物狂歡節 引子與獅王進行曲
The carnival of the animals Introduction and royal march of the lion |
00:01:44 |
2、動物狂歡節 公雞與母雞
The carnival of the animals Cocks and hens |
00:00:50 |
3、動物狂歡節 野驢
The carnival of the animals Wild asses |
00:00:35 |
4、動物狂歡節 烏龜
The carnival of the animals Tortoises |
00:02:00 |
5、動物狂歡節 大象
The carnival of the animals The elephant |
00:01:17 |
6、動物狂歡節 袋鼠
The carnival of the animals Kangaroos |
00:00:46 |
7、動物狂歡節 水族館
The carnival of the animals The aquarium |
00:02:04 |
8、動物狂歡節 長耳朵人
The carnival of the animals Persons with long ears |
00:00:44 |
9、動物狂歡節 林中杜鵑
The carnival of the animals Cuckoo in the heart of the woods |
00:01:38 |
10、動物狂歡節 大鳥籠
The carnival of the animals The aviary |
00:01:16 |
11、動物狂歡節 鋼琴家
The carnival of the animals Pianists |
00:01:26 |
12、動物狂歡節 化石
The carnival of the animals Fossils |
00:01:19 |
13、動物狂歡節 天鵝
The carnival of the animals The swan |
00:03:04 |
14、動物狂歡節 終曲
The carnival of the animals Finale |
00:02:01 |
15、鵝媽媽組曲 睡美人帕凡舞曲
Mother goose suite I. Pavane of the sleeping beauty |
00:01:35 |
16、鵝媽媽組曲 大拇指
Mother goose suite II. Tom thumb |
00:03:18 |
17、鵝媽媽組曲 陶瓷女王萊德羅納
Mother goose suite III. Laideronnette, empress of the pagodas |
00:03:44 |
18、鵝媽媽組曲 美女與野獸
Mother goose suite IV. Beauty and the beast |
00:04:24 |
19、鵝媽媽組曲 仙園
Mother goose suite V. The fairy garden |
00:03:34 |
20、兒童樂園 Ⅰ.進行曲
Children's games I. March |
00:02:26 |
21、兒童樂園 Ⅱ.布娃娃
Children's games II. The doll |
00:02:29 |
22、兒童樂園 Ⅲ.陀螺
Children's games III. The top |
00:01:05 |
23、兒童樂園 Ⅳ.小先生,小夫人
Children's games IV. Little husband, little wife |
00:03:07 |
24、兒童樂園 Ⅴ.舞會
Children's games V. The ball |
00:01:53 |
25、魔法師的弟子 - 交響諧謔曲
The sorcerer's apprentice-Symphonic scherzo |
00:10:54 |
Bolero |
00:15:13 |