央視國際 www.cctv.com 2007年08月20日 23:07 來源:
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Marcel Fenez 先生在1995年一手組建了香港普華永道公司的娛樂傳媒及通訊部門。他現任普華永道亞太區娛樂傳媒業務首席合夥人,同時還是普華永道娛樂傳媒業務全球領導小組的成員。 最近,Marcel先生被任命為普華永道大中國區科技、通訊及娛樂業務部門的首席合夥人。該部門目前有460多名專業人員。 Marcel Fenez 先生擁有20多年娛樂傳媒業務的審計及商務諮詢經驗,其業務涉及娛樂傳媒業的所有部門。
在過去的15年中,他在香港及亞太其他地區專門從事該行業的相關業務。在諮詢服務方面,他有着豐富的經驗,其所提供的諮詢服務包括:戰略商務諮詢,due diligence review, 收購兼併業務綜合復核, 商業計劃及電子商務的創立諮詢等。 Marcel先生所服務的客戶包括眾多本地的知名媒體及娛樂公司,如香港無線電視臺,也包括許多跨國媒體及娛樂公司,如MTV音樂臺,The Interpublic Group,探索頻道, 新力唱片, 環球時代華納美國在線, Vivendi。 Marcel Fenez 先生經常在香港及亞太地區的媒體和活動中就娛樂,傳媒,合併及電子商務等方面發表自己的觀點。 在2002年,他當選為亞洲有限及衛星廣播電視協會(CASBAA)的主席。該協會致力於保障及擴大該本地區的節目製作者及衛星電視廣播業者的利益,是本地區最大的娛樂傳媒協會。 Chairman, CASBAA
Global Managing Partner, Entertainment & Media Practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Marcel was responsible for initially establishing the PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong Entertainment, Media and Communications group in 1995. He has been the Asia Pacific leader of the Entertainment & Media practice since 1998 and in 2007 was appointed the Global Managing Partner of PwC's Entertainment & Media practice.
Since 2005, Marcel has also been the leader of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ combined Technology, Info-Communications and Entertainment (TICE) practice in Asia Pacific. From 2002 to 2007 he lead the TICE practice in Hong Kong and Mainland China, overseeing its growth into one comprising of over 1000 professionals. He represents the interests of the region on PwC’s Global TICE leadership team.
As a resident of Hong Kong for more than 20 years, Marcel has extensive experience working with companies in all sectors of the Entertainment and Media industries throughout Asia. In addition to managing large cross border assurance engagements, he also has significant advisory experience which includes providing strategic business advice (specifically in the context of market entry into the regions developing economies), change and process improvement consulting as well as risk management consulting, transaction related services and business planning.
Marcel is a regular contributor to Hong Kong and Asia Pacific media and events on issues relating to the development of entertainment, media and the ongoing convergence resulting from new technologies.
In 2005, he was re-elected, for a third two year term, Chairman of the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (“CASBAA”), the leading industry association promoting the interests of programmers and cable and satellite broadcasters in the region.